@ 7:00 p.m.

Join Our Book Discussion: Why We’re Reading 海女之岛

寻找你的下一本好书? As a part of 十大最好的网赌平台’s Lifelong Learning Series, faculty members are hosting an in-person 讨论 海女之岛 on March 9, 和 we’re excited to invite current parents to join us. The event will be held on campus in the McBee Drawing Room.

海女之岛 是根据济州岛居民的生活改编的吗 Haenyeo, Korean women divers who harvest resources from the sea working in all-female collectives,” explains Assistant Head for Academic Affairs 和 discussion leader Carolyn Newton.

写的 纽约时报 畅销书作家丽莎·西, this 书 was chosen to specifically align with what’s happening on campus this year. As we celebrate the second half of our 水年, students are continuing to learn about global 和 local water conservation 和 protection. 水是……的组成部分 海女之岛, 和 it’s a great way to join in on the conversation.

“海女今天还在潜水, 传承传统, but they have embraced aspects of more modern technology,牛顿说。. “The themes of the 书 are about how this culture has adapted to the resources of this location 和 how the women respond to the pressures in their lives, 不再做妻子, 母亲, 朋友, 集体的成员, 和 the breadwinners for their families, all set against the backdrop of how outside forces reshaped Korea in the 20th century.”

在十大网赌平台推荐的书讨论中, 十大网赌平台推荐将深入探讨微观问题, including how women navigate personal relationships while also serving their communities, as well as macro issues of what it means to protect your culture 和 values in the face of competing global forces, 解释了牛顿.

要参加图书讨论, 买一本这本书 并在此回复:

Here’s what others are saying about the 书:

Lisa See excels at mining the intersection of family, 友谊, 和历史, 在她最新的小说中, she reaches new depths exploring the matrifocal haenyeo society in Korea, caught between tradition 和 modernization. 这部小说跨越了战争和几代人, but at its heart is a beautifully rendered story of two women whose individual choices become inextricably tangled.” – 朱迪。皮考特,《 火花的光芒伟大的小事

I was spellbound the moment I entered the vivid 和 little-known world of the diving women of Jeju. 故事发生在历史事件中, 海女之岛 is the extraordinary story of Young-sook 和 Mi-ja, 女人的胆量, 心碎, 强度, 和宽恕. 没有人写女性友谊, 黑暗与光明, with more insight 和 depth than Lisa See.” – 苏·蒙克·基德,《 蜜蜂的秘密生活翅膀的发明

“Compelling, heart-wrenching, 和 beautifully written, 海女之岛 will plunge you into a world 和 a story you’ve never read before 和 remind you how powerful women can 和 must be to survive.——kristin Hannah,《。》的作者 夜莺伟大的孤独